
Support for people with Autism

We provide a range of support for people with an autistic spectrum disorder (ASD), including Asperger’s Syndrome. No two individuals with ASD are the same and we always complete an initial ‘autism profile’ to enable us to tailor our services to the individual’s particular needs.
This assessment helps us clarify the nuances of the person’s condition – which can vary greatly between individuals – and ensure that we deliver the most appropriate care for that person’s capabilities within the wide range of autism services on offer.

Our tailor-made support plans

We concentrate on providing a tailor-made support plan that will help individuals:

Maintain their own tenancy

Improve social skills and integration

Manage their finances

Develop and maintain healthy relationships

Engage effectively with the community

Engage in sensory activities

A Multidisciplinary Approach

We believe that multidisciplinary approach is the most effective way to provide appropriate support. It means working closely with other professionals, including GPs, medical professionals, speech and language therapists, social workers and other service providers.
It helps ensure that every support programme matches the individuals specific needs and will take into account:

What is important to the individual

What kind of life they would like

What they want to change

What they would like to achieve

What they are going to do

How they would like to be supported

Our Supported Living Pathways

Our services are tailored to an individual’s needs. It’s how we can most effectively encourage and empower individuals while providing all the support they need. Every individuals journey is underpinned by a comprehensive Support and Goal plan that they play an active role in defining.

Information for individuals and families

Our supported living services aim to empower the individual, promoting independence, encouraging social interaction and improving skills. Find out about the support we offer and how we manage the referral and transition process.Read More + »

Information for Professionals

Find out about our support pathways, quality assurance and referral process. We empower the people we support by celebrating achievements and encouraging independence as well as through peer support and employment programmes.Read More + »